My Day Today

By Heather

This is how I started out.

See? See? Look How happy I am. I woke up like this, like I do every morning...mostly. Now even though I'm working a split shift today I was relatively happy. Until...I saw the front end schedule...three hour gap in lumbar, three hour gap in garden.

Its day can still be salvaged. I worked the schedule so I had coverage in lumber and in garden and laid down the foundation for my mid shifter to pull coverage from the back if needed. So then ten o'clock rolls around so I'm out for a couple of hours. So I thought "Hey! I'm gonna be little miss productive today and finally get this mess with our mail figured out." and then life said "NOPE!" It took me a half hour to find the post office and it turned out to be the wrong one.

It was now that I was beginning to doubt that today was going to be salvaged. The man at the post off gave me the address and directions on how to get to the right one. So I was comfident that I salvaged my day.
So yeah, go me. I was little miss productive. But still life said "NOPE!" and as soon as I got there, an hour later because I got lost, severly lost because they like to hide the Greentree post office. As soon as I got there they were incredibly unwilling to understand or help. She finally gave me a number to call and when I called he said the system didn't come up until noon and to call back then.

At this point I was pissed because of the bums the state hires that don't do their job and makes good honest people go through hell just to get their mail. I haven't gotten any mail in a month.

After calling back at noon and recieving no answer several times I finally recieved comformation that my mail should be fixed but I have to wait another 14 business days to recieve my mail. I have now realized that my day will not be salvaged because I spent three hours doing someone elses job. Something that should have been fixed through on change of address form.

And I still have to go back to close the store at 5:30 to 10:30 tonight...

Things Cashiers Can't Stand part 2

By Heather

Number One:

Making your bad credit my fault.

Alright, let me make this very clear. I'm not so much of a jerk that I personally am denying your card. There are two reasons why your card is denied. One, you are late on your payment. Two, you are maxed out. That's it, there is no magical button that I push to ruin your day. Also, I have no idea why your credit card is denied. The register tells me nothing, just that it is denied so before you make an idiot of yourself screaming at me for something that is your fault for not keeping track of, think of what you're doing. Please stop making an ass of yourself in front of a line of customers just wanting to ring out their stuff.

Number Two:

Assuming I'm Stupid Because I Work Retail.

Retail is not hard. Once you know the routine its pretty simple. Even an incredibly busy day with incredibly thin coverage is easy to figure out simply because you do what you have to to keep the store running and no matter what there is always a way to do that. Even if you have to pick up other department's slack which is most often the case when you yourself are spread wafer thin. That being said not everyone has the patients to take utter and complete bullshit that customers throw at you on the daily basis.

I had this one customer come in two hours before close and spend an hour in Millwork getting a shit ton of moulding. Now he was one of those people from the ritzy part of town with his son, guy didn't even get the lumber cart himself. He had the Millwork associates do everything for him which is fine, its what they are there for. This should have been put on a special order but it wasn't. So by the time he got up to my register I had to measure and type in each individual piece which is company policy and it took at least twenty minutes to get it all in there. So when I gave the man his total his eyes widened and said that didn't match up with what he had worked out. So I went through the entire order adding it all up. Millwork had accidentally given him 80 feet more than what he needed. I told this man this and he said that it was all there exactly what he needed. He accused me of over charging him which was impossible because he saw me measure all of it, plug it in the register and put it on the opposite side of the cart that way I didn't do anything twice. He argued with me for a while, I told him that even if I was doing what he suggested it would be pointless because I wouldn't even be getting the access cash, the store would and I don't love the store that much. So finally I was about to call Millwork to get it sorted when he looked at his son, pointed at me and said "See this? This is why you need to go to college!" I froze, put the phone down and looked at him. I had had it. "Excuse me sir...I have a college degree." I cleared out the entire order and pointed outside. "You can leave now." He threatened to go to the manager, I told him that I would call her right over but at that point he had had it and left.

I don't care who you are, you don't treat people like that.

Number Three:

Call Offs

Not just call offs, employees that call off over and over again. I had a cashier that called off almost every Saturday. He's running out of family members to either kill off or have medical problems. Other than that I have cashiers walking out for their fifteen minute break and not coming back. Come on people, be responsible adults and come to work, do your job, and go home. Its not that hard. If you can't do that then there are hundreds of others out there that can.