The State of Things...

By Heather

Well if someone told me a year ago when I started this job that the gov't would have mandated that 30 hours was the new full time and that my hours would have been cut in half because they can't afford to make me full time, that I'd be seven month's pregnant, and that my land lord would have fell on hard times and would be unable to renew our lease thus giving us four months to find a place to move. I don't think I'd of believed them. So now it seems my only option is to go back to the place I left because I was so incredibly miserable.

So far we've seen six places and all of them are either dumps or not as they were advertised. I don't know how they can dignify charging over seven hundred with the condition, location, and lack of space. So all the money we have have saved, and our refund instead of going to the baby or my husband's college or new new tires for the car is instead going to go into an apartment. I don't really like to complain but if I don't get this out somewhere I'm going to explode.

Pregnant, not given enough hours that its barely worth even going to work, and about to be homeless...friggin fantastic...


By Heather

Sometimes you go through things in your life that only a sibling can understand and help you with. Thankfully me and my brother made it through our youth without killing each other. Not that we didn't try. He ran me over with the go-cart four times.

I knocked his front tooth out with a metal baseball bat.

 I didn't really make it easy for him either back then since I didn't know how to take a joke. I kind of thought everything he did was an attack or picking on me.

But if you make it through all that no one will completely get you and your brand of crazy quite like your brother. So cherish, love, and respect your brother because he's the only one that will get all of your Space Ghost, Brak show, and other lingo like he will.