Hair Dresser
Alright, I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but I am about to take you through my journey to the hair dresser today. I get out of work, come home and both me and my husband both need hair cuts. Well more so for him but I wanted my bangs done. What I wanted was just a simple swoop from one end of my bangs , on my left temple to swoop down to the middle of my right ear. That's all I wanted, sounds simple enough right?
Now I'm going to cut away here for a moment to talk to you about how I prepare myself for the hair dresser. I get home from work, take a shower, shampoo, condition and then when I get out I brush, blow dry, and straighten so by the time I get to the hair dresser they have a blank canvas to work with. I find this to be a very nice gesture considering that I've been working all day, probably have a bunch of sawdust in my hair. Now, when someone walks into your store with their hair done like this it means one of two things. One, this person has somewhere to be afterwards, not necessarily somewhere important, but somewhere that they put the time and effort into their hair and general appearance. Two, THIS IS HOW YOU LIKE YOUR HAIR, THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT IT TO LOOK LIKE WHEN YOU LEAVE! I don't know what it is about this place but every time I walk in there I feel like I just dolled myself up, walked out side and clubbed over the head by a caveman who then proceeded to drag me to his cave rough me up and by the time I leave my hair is in shambles with the expression on my face that reads "...what just happened?" Seriously, she finishes cutting my hair, blow dries it but instead of using a brush which would make sense, she opts to stab my scalp with her fingernails as if that is miraculously going to dry my hair faster and style it. So now my hair is all wavy and it is now impossible for me to tell if it is perfectly swooped.
So I pay for both me and my husband, and while he is still getting his hair cut I go across the street to Rite aid to get hair dye and a few clips. While there I straighten my hair with my fingers as much as possible. As I look into a small mirror there I see that she didn't listen to a damn word I said. Not only did she not take near enough off, the swoop was choppy and uneven. Ryan walks in with a completely exasperated look on his face. I look at him blankly before asking the obvious "What is going on with your head?" he replies, "Just because you are a gay man does not mean your qualified to be a hair dresser." I'm thinking, okay...I'll get home and dye it and re-style it and see what it looks like then. So I made it worse. So now I'm pissed, I just wanted my f***ing bangs done, its not rocket science, what about what I asked you to do was so hard? This is your fricken job! You should take pity on me, cause when you are cutting my hair I have to take off my glasses which means I'm blind as a f***ing bat! I have to take your word for it. Now if you straightened it I'd be able to tell you, but no, you would charge me twenty more dollars for that. So lets make it wavy and curly instead so she can't tell if we did what she asked us to do.
I have had it, there only two people there I trust with my hair and its always when I have a day off that neither of them are scheduled. So fricken sick of this crap and when I see that what I asked was not done I don't want to be an asshole and say "No, not what I wanted". But I've had it, I'm going back tomorrow and getting someone to redue it.
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