Here's a List of Things I Don't Believe My Taxes Should Pay For!!!

By Heather

#1 Prisons

I don't believe my hard earned money should pay for some thug to eat three meals a day, a gym, cable television, and health care. Just so when he gets out he does something else stupid to get through back into prison because he gets taken care of so well there. The death penalty people, yeah people have the ability to change, I do believe that. But if people are repeat offenders to the worst of crimes they should be taken out of the equation and I don't mean an eighteen thousand dollar shot, I mean a dollar fifty bullet right in the temple. Quick and painless. Murderers, rapists, pedophiles. There goes at least a third of the people my taxes are paying to feed, cloth, and keep healthy.

#2 Welfare

Since the system no longer serves the purpose it was created for I don't believe I should be paying for it. The system was created for a leg up, not a way of life for people. Unfortunately the people that genuinely need this assistance can't get it because they are "to well off" to receive any. Which raises the question, "Why is there still welfare?". These people are living better than I am and I'm paying for it.


Did you know that the government owns GMC and that the government spends a lot of money making you feel good about your vehicle purchase. Scratch that, they spend a lot of your money just so you can feel good about a car you bought. Did you know that no one wants to by a Chevy Volt, and the government is subsidizing the company about two hundred thousand per car because they're trying to force people to buy the Chevy volt.

#4 Failed Green Energy Companies

That stimulus package that was passed in 2009 was used to pay off bankruptcy for these companies. And I'm going to connect this one to bail outs. If you are a business and you did not spend your money responsibly and you are going under, then you deserve to go under. Solyndra, have you heard about this? They make solar panels and they were trying to sell them for five dollars less than it took to make them which leads to bankruptcy pretty quickly. So the government gives them $500 million, they took it and they still went bankrupt. And to top it all off, Obama's justice dept. threw out the last hundred years of loan litigation by putting his campaign a head of the tax payers that actually paid for it. This situation has happened at least twelve other times.

So while I was doing research for this I couldn't find an itemized list of what our taxes go to but these are just a few examples. If anyone has anything they'd like to add to the list of things we shouldn't have to pay for please leave it in the comment section below.


All I can say is I agree completely on all accounts! I was one of those people who had to use the system for medical help, but I used it as intended and I felt so guilty the whole time I had to be on it (for Z's birth), and as soon as K.C. or I got a job I got off of it and we took care of ourselves; that's how it's ment to be used. Because so many people abuse it, everyone who uses it gets dirty looks and treated badly, even those you genuinley(sp?) need the help and are not lazy good for nothings, just regular people a little bit down on their luck and doing everything to pick themselves up. It's for HELP it's not a lifestyle. It's horrible and people get on it and just contiously use it and stay jobless to be on it and have more babies to stay on it and such. How can they look in the mirror? How are they happy? How do they not feel guilty?

I have other thoughts, but the baby just woke up :-D So maybe it's a sign that I just shouldn't "let loose" lol

Well, the fact is they don't feel guilty because they are just one of the many generations that have been brought up to feel that they are "entitled" to be taken care of. They feel "entitled" to recieve money from the government because its all they've ever known. They don't know a hard days work. They don't know what its like to be behind the counter being yelled out by some welfare junky for hours to recieve a slave wage that partially pays that person to yell at you for not taking their food stamps. Not because you personally won't take them, but because the register is telling you that there is insufficient funds on their card. But never mind that, it is your personal fault that they are not getting what they want that day. Yes you are working to pay for their lazy ass...I need to stop...I'm going to go into an endless rage spiral if I don't...

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