Some Sage Advice to All of You Going to College Soon

By Heather

Now you may feel pressured to know exactly what to do with your life. As if you are supposed to know what you want to dedicate the next sixty years of your life to. And every public school out there is going to say "We prepare you for college!" Which is a giant load of crap, they don't prepare you for shit. They say that to lure you into a false sense of security and make them look good. What they don't tell you is this:

Number One: No, you don't have to know what you want to do with your life and I don't think a lot of people really do. It is okay to go to college and get your base requirements done and out of the way. Its also a good idea to maybe take a typing class if there is one and one that certifies you for Microsoft because with just that Microsoft certification opens you up for clerical work opportunities that pays at least $12 dollars an hour and I've found a few that paid $16. But while you are there in college, explore majors that interest you and talk to the professors that teach those courses for more info. Its what they are there for so don't feel bashful.

Number Two: DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT GO FOR YOUR PASSION! This may sound terrible and heartless, but go for something that's going to make you money. And by that statement I mean something that will be able to support you and maybe another with pay wise. Its good to have a passion and I encourage you to always have your passion and enjoy it. But you can always have your passion and a way to support yourself. It is a lot better to enjoy your passion and a stable income instead of your passion and an unstable income of which you can't even enjoy your passion anymore because you're to busy making ends meet.

Number Three: Don't take people's word for anything. Do your own research when it comes to the job market. You need to make sure there will be a job for you out there when you graduate. The college will always boast that they have a high percentage of grads that found work right out of college. What they don't tell you is whether its in their field or not. They don't care if its in your field or not, they just care that they got their check and that you got work anywhere after graduating. What they don't tell you is that many of these kids had to get a job anywhere that was hiring just so they could start chipping away at the massive student loans they've acquired.

Number Four: If you are having doubts half way into your major whether this is what you really want or not and are not in love with it as much as you thought. You DON'T have to continue it! Because odds are if you don't like it now you're not going to like it when your working it! Its okay to switch majors in the middle because it is YOUR life and better to do it now than to say "I'm in it this far, I should stick it out all the way through." Well if you do that and get your degree and then end up hating what you're doing and decide to come back to college for another major, not only will you be tacking more college debt, you will also have a harder time finding financial aid because you already have a degree.

Number Five: You really are on your own. There is no one looking out after you but yourself. And to you I say congratulations to your new found freedom! But I do caution you. Your choices are that much more important now. Before there was always someone or something to fall back on. Now, there is not and you'll find out now more than ever that life is all about the choices you make both personal and professional. And you'll soon find out that many college kids lack the ability to tell a good choice from a bad choice. Don't be that kid. Odds are if its something you have to stop and think on before doing, its not a good decision. But along those same lines don't be afraid of new experiences, just be sure to have people you trust with you.

Number Six: Don't make the mistake in thinking that just because its college that people are going to be more mature than they were in high school. That they all are going to operate on an academic level of respect. Oh no, they will be that much worse because now they are unsupervised. You will now be surrounded by people that look they walked right off the Jersey Shore and with the same personality along with the IQ of a toaster.

Number Seven: College is all about "Time Management". Set a pace for yourself and keep it. There are your classes and time where you have no classes. Dedicate a few hours each day for homework and study. But most importantly make sure you have a few hours to yourself if you can manage. Its very easy to get burnt out on college when its all you do. You need to have time to whined down and relax. Midterms and finals will be a real test in itself so save your energy, notes, and all of your work for review.

I hope that this post has been of some help for all of you that are planning to further your education. This is coming from someone that has been to college and learned all of this first hand. I'll be going back to it soon if all works out. Best of luck to all of you, feel free to leave your comments and questions in the comment section below.


I agree with everything as usual! Especially with studying your passion. I did that and 2 yrs in my passion had turned into a hate. I didn't enjoy it. I hated every minute of it. Now, 6 yrs later, am I beginning to be able to enjoy it fully again.

Yeah, I got burned out on reading for a while because I had so many english classes. But for me it was kinda different. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. I just picked something I thought I'd be good at and in the middle of it I just started hating it. But one thing I did really enjoy was counciling the kids at the afterschool program I volunteered at. But I quit college when I realized I was wracking up a lot of debt but not really getting anywhere that I wanted to go. I don't recommend this either, its hard getting back to it when you have to work. Bills suck!

Ugh. School is so expensive. I'm one semester short of graduating. I stopped once I had babies, I felt they needed me here with them rather than at school or working, and I'm lucky that K.C. makes enough I can stay home. However, it's 6 yrs later and I'm still paying off my student loans and at the current rate have another 6 yrs of minimum payments to make. Luckily we should be done with K.C.'s within the next year and can apply his $50 to my loans and help pay them down faster.

If/when you go back good luck! I actually really want to go back myself. I find I miss playing and singing in big groups like that. I was pretty darn good at my bassoon before I got burnt out having to practice 4 hrs a day plus classess homework and a job. If I go back it's going to be purely for enjoyment of that music talent...and maybe get those last 20 credits outta the way.

Bill's do suck. I always love pay day because I feel rich but the moment i open the mail it's depressing.

I'm just glad I can pay my bills, nothing is worse than that circling the drain feeling.

I wish I went into music when I was in college. Even if it didn't work out it would have given me the opportunity to learn more instruments. I miss playing in a group too, I miss the companionship. But not the cattiness and the clichishness of that last year of high school. I honestly could not stand 85% of the people I graduated with and that includes band mates. I was so happy when I got out of there. Don't get me wrong there were some good times but I hate drama, so stupid.

True. Being able to pay the bills is a blessing.

There are only 2 other people from HS I even keep in contact with besides you. They just aren't worth it They were all so petty and on their high horse. Looking back I can't believe I let that hurt me,and that I cared so much about it, but as a teenager it's hard not too. Look at me now I really am better than all they. I have a better happier more stable life.

The orchestra I was apart of in college was so much better. I miss that companionship and honestly the resolution of a great chord! Loved learning how it actually worked. I feel a LOT of music isn't really music anymore. Very few do good harmonies and chord progression. Seriously good music. At least the popular vocal artests really(then again I'm generalizing there are good ones out there). I've found to satisfy the music nerd in me I'll just stick to the classics and the orchestrated music.

Anyways sorry to get your post off topic!

Lol, no need for apologize, its not like a ton of people actually read it. One Republic's latest cd really hit home for me with his use of strings and harmony. I could listen to it any and every day of the week. I used this song for my wedding.

Because it perfectly framed the six years that me and Ryan were together. But that in itself is a very long story that I won't get into on blogger. I mean I love you all but I doubt you want to hear to whole story. But back to band I really wish that last year was more of an all of us together not, its all about me mentality. But your right, bunch of kids, can't expect all of them to see that the drama is stupid and your ruining other peoples fun because of your inability to see past yourself. I'm trying to count how many fun trips were ruined because of someone pitching a fit.

I just read over that and I'm going to write this before anyone gets the chance to yell at me. I didn't mean for that to come off as if I thought or think that I'm better than anyone else. Because I don't. I'm just pointing out how unnecessary it all was and how many good times were ruined by other people with this mentality.

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