Things That Drive Cashiers Crazy
#1 Impatient Customers
This is actually something I love/hate. I love it when customers make angry sounds. As if some how making these sounds is going to make me give a shit about you more than the person I'm currently waiting on. Or a customer that somehow wedges his merchandise ahead of some old woman's singular item and I some how won't notice. I'm sorry, I don't reward rude people. Especially when this sweet woman is just trying to by her birdseed for the week.
#2 Customers Ignoring Me
I hate it when a customer blatantly ignores me while I'm simply trying to ring them out. "Hello sir, did you find everything you needed?" .....nothing...."Alright your total is $58.34, will this be on debit or credit?" ....nothing...."Thank you sir, you have a good day." ...nothing...
Another example, and I hate this. Do Not, under any circumstances do this. If you're one of those customers that gets on the phone and talks to your friends your entire visit to the store this is for you. By the time you get to the checkout line do not look at the cashier, snap your fingers and point to your cart, expecting us to sort through your shit to ring it all up and then once I've rung it all up you get all pissed off at me when I tell you what to do with the pinpad because you're to much of a retard to read it.
Another example. When you ask me where something is in the store, please I ask you, stick around to hear the answer. Trust me, I know exactly where it is. When you ask me and then keep walking, don't complain to me when you can't find it. Cause why? Your a fricken idiot who can't stand around for one minute for me to give you exact, easy to follow directions.
#3 Cart Preparation
Customers that load their cart like a retard. (I do not mean retard as in my mentally handicapped cousin, because he has more smarts than to do this) This is pretty much self explanatory but I will give an example. If you know you're going to be getting something very heavy/awkward, get the appropriate cart for it or even if you don't, load your cart accordingly. I've had a customer load their cart full of the smallest pieces of hardware they could find, then on top of that a shit ton of shelving, mouldings, and five pieces of plywood. On top of that, the asshole didn't even help me get everything down. Looked at me as if somehow I had the problem. Quickest way to ruin my day when you make your stupidity my issue.
#4 Co-workers
Store associates that make your job harder because of the own incompetence.
Prime example right here, this just happened this weekend. I'm not going to use actual names so I'm going to use the name George. Saturday night George comes up to me and tells that they may be late to work the next day because they are picking up a family member at the hospital. Its fine, family takes priority over work. I asked George if he was sure he was going to be able to come in at all on Sunday because if there was a doubt it would be easier for me to call someone in to fill their shift now instead of later. After many times George assured me that he was going to be at work because he was closing. I said it was fine, just to call and keep me updated as to when he would be in. The next day comes along, not only does George not call, I try calling him four times finally get a hold of him, he tells me he just got his son home from the hospital, he was going out to get prescriptions, shower and he said he'd be in at four. I asked again, are you sure you don't want to call off? Are you sure you'll be here by four because that's what I'm going to write down. He assured me he was going to be there at four. So I put his time down. 3:50pm rolls around, George calls and says he can't come in. Ten minutes before his fricken shift starts the asshole calls off. So now the closing head cashier is screwed because George did not have the foresight to call even an hour ahead to warn me. Thank you George for being a useless bagpipe.
#5 Sweaty Pocket/Boob Money
Yes, you heard me correctly. I hate it when a guy pulls a clump of money out of his back pocket and plops it in my hand. Yes sir, of course I want your swass in my hand. I watched this one couple for two hours run around building materials gathering their stuff. When they came up their order came up over four hundred dollars. This busty woman pulls a wad of sweaty money out from under her boob and shoves it in my hand. I shit you not I could have squeezed this money and sweat would have poured out of it. And all I can think of other than the "Oh my God she really just did that" was "Thank you...thank you lady, because I've always wanted hepatitis." I couldn't even hide the look of disgust on my face. After they left I couldn't Lysol my hands enough. I didn't have hand sanitizer, I grabbed the closed thing I could and just had my good friend/co-worker spray my hands down.
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