Anger Issues
Alright, I've had this weekend off and I took a day to rest my brain and bury myself in Dragon Age Origins. And I believe I have regained a small amount of mental stability, at least as much as there was before...yeah I know, there isn't much of it.
So anyway the past two weeks were filled with much to write about. Firstly, I don't know what frame of mind is behind this particular tactic, but I can't see where it would bare much fruit.
This man, after I tried to explain to him since he didn't know the colors he wanted and since he wanted so much paint, we could put it on custom order for him so it would hold it at the sale price and he wouldn't have to take all of the paint with him and drag it all the way back to get it tinted. Also since he wanted so much paint and it was the third day into the sale we would probably be out of the last of our supply on that particular paint. He agreed to this and as I tried to get his information down he yelled at me and told me he already did this last week with the other guy that worked there. He proceeded to throw his credit card at me.
Now having been working eight days straight at this point I was really impressed being able to keep my composure. I looked him up in the system and it didn't have his phone number, I asked for it. He yelled at me asking why I needed it. I told him that when his order was ready I'd call him and when he had his colors ready we would tint it. Now, we don't have people pay for paint till they actually have their order with them and they take it home so I gave his card back to him while I took his number down. He again chucked his card at me.
At this point there was no hiding the look on my face. I explained the payment process and it was as if a wave of realization washed over him but of course he didn't apologize.
To those of you who have never worked retail a day in your life there is a valuable piece of information I will impart on to you. Just like in your job, there are processes. We in retail are often limited to what we can do by these processes. Especially when a computer/cash register is involved. Those processes/systems only allow us to do so much. Please understand this, nine times out of ten when we say we are unable to do something, we really are unable to do it. We are not just out to ruin some random person's day.
Along with this, we are providing you a service, it is wise not to treat these people like dirt or like they are stupid. Because we do have the power and authority to royally screw you over. In the end we are all trying to make ends meet and pay the bills. There is no shame in what job you do because you have a job and you are lucky for it.
So Monday, last day of the sale, Patty walks in and I didn't see her in time enough to run away. Patty, sweetest old woman in the world. Also, most indecisive woman on the face of the entire planet. I just want to grab her by the shoulders and tell her just to pick a f***ing color to paint your stupid table of which this table's only function is to hold your phone from the nineteen twenties. She seriously has been in the store for two months trying to decide on a flippin color. And when she comes in she is there for two hours at a time.
I really don't mind but when I have a store full of customers I can't have my time monopolized by one customer for that amount of time. So I got her out of there as quickly as possible while answering all of her questions. So apparently she called while I was out at lunch and she talked to my boss. My boss told her she could have bought that day at the sale price and then brought it back to have it tinted when she decided on a color. So when I came back from lunch she called back and proceeded to yell at me for not telling her that...I did tell her that, but she was to involved in her story that the doctor did not want her playing tennis anymore because of her muscle problems in her right arm. I just sat there and took it, I wasn't about to get stuck talking to her for an hour.
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